Monday, February 26, 2007

Snow playing in northern Wisconsin

This weekend I went up to northern Wisconsin with some friends and our dogs. We cross country skied on Saturday and snowshoed on Sunday. I like snowshoeing better because you are a lot more mobile and since you don't have to carry poles it's easier to take photos, which is one of my favorite things to do.

I took about 150 photos, but here are just a few:

Bond Falls

Jake eating show. He has on a jacket and booties I made him since he gets cold easily.

Jake shaking it off. I love the flying ears. He does this all the time.

Heading back to the car on Sunday. Left to right: Julie, Natasha (the dog), and Greta.

The drive home.

When we got home on Sunday night it had snowed over 16" in Madison and it took Julie and I over an hour to shovel my driveway! Thank goodness someone had snowblown the sidewalk. I am always so grateful when the snowblower owners are feeling generous. It was that wet, heavy snow and was definitely the hardest snow shoveling I've done in my life, but then again I'm a Floridian. It was fun though!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how on earth do you get him to wear the booties? I tried to put some on my chihuahua and she refused to walk. when the ground is icy her feet freeze in about two minutes and she starts yelping until you pick her up.