Friday, April 15, 2005

PAQA Retreat - 2005

On Tuesday, April 12 - I went to the PAQA workshop with Keiko Goke in Racine, WI. We stayed at a retreat center on Lake Michigan. The workshop was pretty good, but the best part was hanging out with everyone afterwards.

Here we are working hard!

After dinner Melody showed us a hilarious slide show of her and Laura's trip to Japan. The we had a concert and sang the songs Pat and I wrote on the way home from Rosemont (see previous post). First we sang "Ode to Laura" and crowned her queen for all the hard work she did for the retreat and PAQA.

The Queen of PAQA - Laura Wasilowski!

Then we had a few sing-a-longs, Laura and I sang "Oh Frieda", I risked everyone's ears with my horrible singing voice for a rendition of "The PAQAette" (sung to the tune of The Gambler by Kenny Rogers), and finally conlcuded with "The PAQA Rap" accompanied by DJ MJ (rapped to the tune of Paul Revere by the Beastie Boys).

Melody and Amy rapping

"oh my gosh, this is so funny!"

It's too long to memorize!

Oh yeah!

Words to all the songs will be posted soon for your own singing enjoyment.


Melody Johnson said...

Amy I am so glad you included me in your presentation at the retreat. Since I completely forgot to practice my part and had to just wing it, it proved to me that improvisation should never be underestimated. Thanks for the opportunity to be a j-bone again!
(j-bone is a term for nutcase!)

Amy Climer said...

Mel (i.e. mrs j-bone) - Hopefully we can do it again in June!