Thursday, March 09, 2006

wife beater

My brother is a super talented, intelligent, courageous man who has his own business selling beautiful high-end men's clothing. He recently released his Fall line and posted it to his website. Being his proud older sister I checked out the new line beaming with delight at the great designs until I got to the shirt titled Black "wife beater" shirt. What! Wife beater! Of course I knew immediately why he named it that because it has white stitching simulating an outline of a man's ribbed undershirt which has been dubbed the terrible name of a "wife beater" shirt.

Photo of model wearing Black "wife beater" shirt

I sent my bro, Greg, an email kindly suggesting that he change the name of the shirt to something less offensive. He responded to me saying that since that is what those undershirts are called and everyone will be calling the shirt that anyway he just named it that, but that the name doesn't matter anyway. Well I disagree. Personally, I think language is huge.

Meanwhile, unbeknowst to me, my sister sent Greg an email suggesting he change the name as well. His response was, "did Amy put you up to this?" That gave us both a chuckle, but sparked the idea that maybe I should put some people up to emailing him and calling him on his insensitivity to domestic violence langauge.

So, here's where I need your help...first, check out Greg's website at: click on Fall 06 and scroll through until you find the Black "wife beater" shirt so you'll see what I am talking about. Then, email Greg at: and tell him he should change the name of this shirt and be more sensitive towards the serious issue of domestic violence. And, if you have additional, more appropriate suggestions that'll great.

Eventually he'll figure out that I started all this and then I'll just tease him and tell him he should have listened to me in the first place. In the meantime, my sister and I can enjoy our joke on our little brother. hee-hee.

p.s. I should add that my brother is not violent at all and certainly doesn't condone domestic violence, but he just doesn't yet see why this shirt name is inappropriate. Of course, part of it is male privilege, but that's for another post.

Photo of model wearing Black "Wife beater" shirt


gjclimer said...
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gjclimer said...

it saddens me that my sister would attempt to start a negative publicity campaign against her own brother.

Amy Climer said...

This isn't a negative campaign, more of an education campaign and an attempt to help my brother understand how the language we use perpetuates the culture we live in and we can all choose what language to use.

gjclimer said...

call it what you want, but telling people your brother encourages spouse abuse sounds like a negative campaign.
i have no intention of changing the titles given to the clothing on the Godspeed site until i am offered a better suggestion as to what the shirt should be callled. So far, none have been as instantly descriptive as the current name. the close second is "Ginny shirt" but that is a derogatory reference to Italian Americans. I'd rather find an ironic cultural reference to spouse abuse than to a racial slur