Friday, June 17, 2005

Rough Seas

written 06-15-05:

Today was a little nuts on board the ship. The ocean was getting pretty choppy and wavy and by 2:30pm I was feeling pretty bad. I found some relief by laying flat on my back. My theory is that while laying on my back my stomach doesn’t have anywhere to go to do flip-flops. I finally decided to take some seasickness drugs, Meclazine. They have a bin of it on the ship, free for the taking. It takes about an hour to kick-in so I had a rough time for a bit there. A couple of times I was afraid I was going to have to run for the toilet, but I was lucky, luckier than some. Before today I was feeling rather proud of my lack of seasickness, but the weather today humbled me quickly. In addition to the seasickness drugs, going outside helped tremendously. I went out to the aft deck (that’s the back – just think ass) and watched the waves. Here are two pictures I took from the same spot as the ship went up and down.

I am feeling much better now and the waves are already calming. Tomorrow we will be in Halifax and I will be glad to get on some solid ground for a bit and walk around. As well as do some laundry and get a few small things I forgot. Then, on Friday the students arrive and we begin our voyage to Iceland. I am hoping to go hiking while in Iceland. Getting exercise aboard the ship is a challenge. I ran on the treadmill once and after about 25 minutes I was very pleased at my distance until I realized the machine was in kilometers not miles – ugh! There are so many little things to decipher when traveling abroad that you would never think about. Of course, in rough seas running on a treadmill isn’t an option.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh.....I have to invest in those accupressure arm bands for motion sickness. I can handle cars but just looking at those pics makes me queasy....
