Monday, June 20, 2005

Slow internet

The students and senior passengers arrived on the 18th and we had a day of meetings and orientation for them before classes began. Even though I have been getting eight hours of sleep each night I still feel very tired. I’ve been sleeping well each night so I am not sure why I feel so tired. Three times between Halifax and Iceland we will lose an hour of time each day as we adjust our clocks back. That certainly is not going to help. Finally, last night I slept in a bit and feel better. Caffeine of course always helps!

Yesterday some people spotted whales and dolphins and I was so disappointed I didn't get to see them. I told everyone to call me in my cabin any time of the day so I could see them. The captain said we would see more as we get closer to Iceland. Today we are fairly close to Greenland, althougth too far to see land. Since yesterday there have been some gulls flying alongside the ship. We've also seen a few other ships either freighters or fishing boats.

We've been going a little slower than usual in the last few days in order to avoid a storm and thankfully it has worked so far. This morning there was a man-overboard drill for the crew and we are still stopped for that drill.

The internet connection on the ship is extremely slow. The connection is basically the equivalent of a DSL connection at a home, but with many, many people using it at the same time. So posting on my blog is very slow and will be less frequent than I had hoped. I’ll post again after I get to Iceland!

1 comment:

Deborah Boschert said...

Pingvillar in Iceland is great for hiking. Beautiful! Lava rock and glacial ice... amazing. Don't miss Geyser or Gulfoss. Some of our favorites. I also visited two really nice quilt shops in Reykyvek. I might be able to track down info about them if you're interested. (though it was almost four years ago...)Have fun1